Months before I met her, I heard about Persis and her bead making endeavors from her mom. She told me her daughter, who was living in Seattle at the time, had studied at Pratt, and had discovered a passion for lampworking.

Fast forward to January, 1998. Persis and I had briefly met once, when she came into the shop with her mom. She was still living in Seattle at the time. Neither one of us can recall whose idea it was, but we decided to travel to Tucson for the gem show. It was a spur of the moment idea, but one that was meant to be. We found an expensive (and really awful) Super8 Motel to sleep in, and rendezvoused at the Tucson Airport.

We had a magical time exploring the gem shows together. We had some wonderful dinners, bought some great beads (I had to buy an extra suitcase to get my haul home), and spent time in the desert when we grew tired of shopping. I couldn’t have asked for a better traveling companion!

… and over the years I’ve had the privilege of being one of her exclusive bead outlets! She has an enthusiastic, and faithful following of collectors, and like me, they’ve enjoyed watching her evolution as a bead maker.

I’m honored that she teaches her art at Dancing Beads. Observing her as she instructs her students, I have been impressed with her knowledge, thoughtful answers, and attention to safety. She wants her pupils to enjoy their time in class, and most of all, she wants them to be successful!

Persis is offering one Beginning Lampworking class this session. It is scheduled for Saturday, February 26th from 11:00 to 5:00. In class, two students have the opportunity to work with a wonderful instructor, and create their own beads. There is still one space left. Visit Dancing Beads website for more information, or call the shop at 541.690.1376 to reserve the space.

Dancing Beads:: We’ve just met, and are at a point in our conversation when you describe who you are. So, who are you?
Persis:: Beadmaking, homeschooling, off-the-grid-living Mom and wife.

Dancing Beads:: When talking to others, how do you describe your bead art?
Persis:: Little treasures of color and light, I love adding foils and silver to achieve new depths.

Dancing Beads:: In what ways does your beadwork reflect your personality?
Persis:: When I first started lampworking I used primarily bright colors, and while I have branched out, I still love those colors that pop! Lampworking makes me happy and I hope that my beads reflect this feeling-Happy and colorful!

Dancing Beads:: On average, how many hours per week do you devote to your bead passions?
Persis:: This is very hard to answer, I wish I could say I get into my studio consistently, but unfortunately it is rather sporadic right now…sometimes I go for a week or two without getting in at all! Sometimes I am in there all day! Feast or famine, depending on what else is going on in my life at the moment.

Dancing Beads:: Any beading weaknesses?
Persis:: Don’t like to DO seed bead work, but I greatly admire those who do!

Dancing Beads:: What do you like about teaching beading classes?
Persis:: I love to make beads, and I love to pass this on. When something clicks for the student and they see the possibilities open up before them. I especially love to see what each individual creates with the exact same materials that everyone else has, the ingredients are the same: fire, glass, centrifical force, the results are always amazing and usually show a component of that persons personality or character.

Dancing Beads:: Where do you bead? Do you have a special place?
Persis:: My studio at home, a place I can call my own and escape there to be with my own creative thoughts.

Dancing Beads:: Just for fun… what is your favorite…

  • Dessert::  Homemade peach pie or Silver Palate Chocolate Mousse
  • Piece of clothing::  Something comfortable, that makes me feel good about myself when I wear it. It changes all the time!
  • Movie::  A Christmas Story, Lord of the Rings, Rogers & Hammerstein musicals, action & adventure w/o the gore…
  • Vacation spot:: Oregon Coast with my family and friends
  • Color:: at the moment, Purple
  • City:: Venice or Florence, Italy.
  • Musical style:: different styles for different moods, usually on the lighter side, no acid rock or foul lyrics.
  • Holiday:: Christmas! I love being with family, baking with my daughter, making time to do something special for people I care about. I love to snuggle up in front of the fire with hot chocolate and maybe watch the usual Christmas movies with my family, decorate the tree, watch it snow!

Is Persis not wearing one of the best necklaces ever? Something tells me the necklace belongs to her mom as they both love bright colors, and unique pieces! I had to share this picture of her sporting not only a great pirate look, but also a very clever weapon concealment!

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