A couple of weeks ago, I began sharing a series of interviews with the amazing beaders who are offering classes at Dancing Beads this session. Today, I’d like to introduce Ellen Wise, who prefers to be called Elle.

Of the seven instructors teaching this session, I have known Elle the longest. She began shopping with me when Dancing Beads first opened back in 1995. Her daughters were still in high school, and she hadn’t started her training to become an RN. She was a hard working, single mom, who happened to be crazy about beading, and bead embroidery.

Her work always made me gasp with wonder! Her pieces reflected her free spirit, and her love of color, and whimsy.

Over the years, she has become an amazing wire worker. She can take a stone, and bring it to life with a bit of wire and a few deft twists of her pliers.

Elle and I are both Valley Girls who grew up on the west (best) side of Medford. It’s fun to talk with about our memories of the area when there were still wigwam burners, one high school, pear orchards, Piggly-Wiggly, and no big box stores. We’ve talked for hours about this place we love, and fondly call home.

Elle will be teaching her techniques for wrapping stones with square wire on Wednesday, March 23rd from 6:30-8:30. In this class students will learn to create a bezel around a stone. Using square, and half-round wire, a pendant will be created that is secure, beautiful, and unique.

The class fee includes all materials. Elle will be bringing a variety of stones to choose from. We’ll provide the tools. Bring your wire working skills, and excitement with you!

There are a few spaces available for this class.

Dancing Beads:: We’ve just met, and are at a point in our conversation when you describe who you are. So, who are you?
Elle:: I am a native of southern Oregon. My family settled here in the late 1800’s. I live on property that has been in my family since the 1930’s. I have an easy going, fun loving, pioneering spirit. I love to explore other lands, cultures and ideologies. If I had an unlimited budget I would travel extensively.

Dancing Beads:: When talking to others, how do you describe your bead art?
Elle:: Hmmm, many of the pieces I do don’t have a hole… so don’t really qualify as a bead (wink). What I seem to do the most is wrap rocks in wire, so I frequently call myself a rock wrapper. I prefer to work with the opaque gemstones such as turquoise, lapis, larimar and jaspers. Boulder opal has sparked my interests as well. I do like a bit of sparkly (grin).

Dancing Beads:: In what ways does your bead work reflect your personality?
Elle:: Free style. It doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you arrive at your desired end. No real “rules” just guidelines. I never set too rigid a plan when starting a project. I have found that as I am working a piece it takes on a life of its own, and tells me what it wants to become.

Dancing Beads:: On average, how many hours per week do you devote to your bead passions?
Elle:: That depends on the week. Some weeks none at all with work and family business. Then other weeks I can spend a few hours every day or a whole day in my create mode.

Dancing Beads:: Any beading weaknesses?
Elle:: The hardest thing for me to do is replicate over and over the same thing.

Dancing Beads:: What do you like about teaching beading classes?
Elle:: Sharing insight and making a piece of wearable art together.

Dancing Beads:: Where do you bead? Do you have a special place?
Elle:: Most of the time I create at my 4 x 4 work space in my room. My friend Janice had a studio built in her backyard. From time to time I go over to her studio and work on projects with her. It is nice to be able to gab and bounce ideas off each other.

Dancing Beads:: Just for fun… what is your favorite…

  • Dessert:: Cheesecake
  • Piece of clothing:: Tie Dye anything (yep I am an old hippy).
  • Movie:: Hmm, no real clear leaders, but I always watch Fried Green Tomatoes if its on. Most any of the old black and white mystery/thrillers are always fun.
  • Vacation spot:: Gold Beach, Oregon.
  • Color:: Turquoise just ahead of purple.
  • City:: None.
  • Musical style:: Jazz, rhythm and blues, classical.
  • Holiday? They are all fun, but Christmas is the most work. I would probably have to say Fourth of July and Thanksgiving are the top two.

Elle very kindly added a great picture to her Facebook page in anticipation of my ‘borrowing’ it for her interview. Smart lady, her other options included a picture of her dog, and a skull (not sure what the skull’s about, must be medical humor).

She’s not joking about the tie dye. Tie dye is alive and well, and living at Elle’s house. I can’t recall the last time I saw her not wearing something tie dyed… or Birkenstocks. Definitely a woman after my own heart, not afraid of color, or comfort, and loves cheesecake!

To see some of Elle’s beautiful wire work, as well as jewelry by her business partner, Janice Lambson, visit their website.

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