Made It!

Made It!

There’s a little cat in my life with a very big meow! He can squawk unlike any kitty on the planet. I call him Rick the Relentless. Last night he was determined to prove me right. If he wasn’t yelling in my face, he walking around my

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Brought To You

Brought To You

by the letter… Quilling, as seen in the letter “C” to the left, is a paper art form. Paper strips are formed into coils then glued together to create an image. This art form was used during the Renaissance to decorate religious items and book covers. During

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What could be better? Take two beaders, add a lazy Sunday afternoon, a sunny work space, a shop full of beads, stir them all together with a big dollop of Mel Brooks quotes to make a great day! Claire started out to make a ring, then her

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Beading Circle

On Thursday afternoons the table in the classroom is open to anyone who would like to come in. We work on projects, get advice, share finished pieces, and chat about beads, life, future projects, or anything that comes up. I’ve made a short video of the group,

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“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus* The changing of the season, especially the transition from summer to autumn, seems to bring color to the forefront of my thoughts. This autumn has been particularly beautiful here in southern Oregon. We’ve had

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Since ‘Dancing’ is an important part of our name, I thought I’d share one of my all time favorite dancing videos. Happy Friday! …and if all goes according to plan there will be a project posted tomorrow.

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Finding Frogs

Finding Frogs

Working with beads has changed the way I look at the world around me. It seems that the little details are what catch my eye, things out of place, or shaped differently immediately grab my attention. Recently, I was at my least favorite place on the planet…

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…or day three of the NaBloPoMo challenge. Is there really any day of the week that’s nicer? No really, think about it. You’ve worked hard all week, you’ve gotten chores done, and errands taken care of, and now it’s Sunday. I don’t know about you, but this

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Despite my best efforts before opening, I’m still going through boxes, and boxes, and boxes, and… I’m sure you get the idea. There’s a whole lotta stuff left to do, and put into the shop. When I opened the box that contained the sterling charms I’d purchased

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Yesterday morning, I declared to whatever is out there listening, that I needed a quiet day because it was high time for me to get the last cabinet filled. There was also an order of findings that had floated around for a month that kept dribbling headpins

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