• A Pinch of Silk
    A Pinch of Silk
    Pinch of Silk Bracelet Taught in August 2016 and featuring smooth Silky beads and Pinch beads, is an ideal design for those new...
  • Josef Benes Trunk Show
    Josef Benes Trunk Show
    Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 19th! Dancing Beads is hosting Josef Benes, the owner of a family run lampworking factory in the...
  • Blue Skies Bracelet
    Blue Skies Bracelet
    Download Instructions Our project for September, 2015 was this charming bracelet. After a month of smoke-filled skies the rain came and washed everything...
  • Wreath Pendant
    Wreath Pendant
    Download Instructions In tones of rich greens and red, this quick pendant resembles a Christmas Wreath. Change the color palette to white, silver,...
  • It's Only a Little Spider!
    It’s Only a Little Spider!
    Don’t let this leggy beauty frighten you. She’s fun to make and is a real attention grabber. Perch one on your shoulder. Add...
  • A Sparkling Bracelet as Easy as 1-2-3!
    A Sparkling Bracelet as Easy as 1-2-3!
    Sometimes it’s not easy to get to a beading class. The urge to create something with beads can arrive at the oddest of...
  • It's What's For Dinner
    It’s What’s For Dinner
    Today, I made a couple of discoveries. The first one was likely more about dumb luck than discovering anything. Did you know that...
  • Typical Monday
    Typical Monday
    …except as we’re all aware, it’s raining! It feels as if fall has finally gotten here with this first soggy weekend. I like...
  • A Chance Encounter
    A Chance Encounter
    The weather has been so beautiful that I’ve been walking to the shop for the past few weeks.  Last night, on my stroll...
  • Did She Make It?
    Did She Make It?
    Since I know the burning question on everyone’s mind is whether or not I had a successful trip to the grocery store today…...
  • Week One - Done
    Week One – Done
    The first week of my challenge is done. I haven’t quite made it in the posting every day portion, but I knew that...
  • Priorities Matter
    Priorities Matter
    Last night, I decided sleep was more important than writing. It was a long and fun-filled day! This morning I’ve taken some time...
  • Don't Leave Home Without It
    Don’t Leave Home Without It
    There are reasons it’s said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thanks to my mom, I formed the breakfast habit...
  • Food for Thought
    Food for Thought
    One of the things I’ve considered about recording my progress of eating on a food stamp budget is that it really doesn’t have...
  • Two Challenges
    Two Challenges
    During a conversation with my mom last week we found ourselves on the topic of the rising cost of food. She shared with...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 11
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 11
    Today’s happiness was brought by food. Fresh zucchini, cucumbers, and poblano peppers from Sue’s garden… although I have to admit… the peppers make...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 10
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 10
    Today has been extra-special! I decided not to work too hard today. This week I’ve worked until 9:00pm or later every day (including...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 9
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 9
    This evening I’m playing hostess. It’s BYOF… otherwise known as Bring Your Own Fun! From 6:00-9:00 I’ll have the pleasure of spending the...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 8
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 8
    *This graphic made me happy! I found it on Pinterest. What made you smile today? *sorry for the especially short post. It’s late,...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 7
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 7
    Sometimes I get what I ask for. Today, I asked for a quiet day, and that’s exactly what I got. Quiet days make...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 6
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 6
    Two dresses and some new foundation made me happy today! It’s been hotter than a blue blazes, and now is the best time...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 5
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 5
    Anyone who knows me, knows I have two speeds. I’m either full throttle or dead stop. There’s nothing wrong with either one, other...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 4
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 4
    According to Google the high temperature for today was 108°. No wonder everyone who came into the shop today told me it was...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 3
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 3
    It’s Friday! That’s enough to make most people very happy. I hope you have a great weekend planned. Today I finished everything on...
  • August Happiness Challenge - Day 2
    August Happiness Challenge – Day 2
    One of the perks of owning a small business open to the public is how much of the day is ruled by serendipity....
  • August Happiness Challenge Begins.... Day 1
    August Happiness Challenge Begins…. Day 1
    August is ‘Happiness Challenge Month’ and has inspired me to begin posting again! The challenge is to post about something that makes you...
  • Ear Worm
    Ear Worm
    Most days finds JPR playing on the radio at the shop. It’s there for background noise, a sound to break the silence of...
  • I Took a Class!
    I Took a Class!
    Under the careful tutelage of Beckie D, I made a pair of Celtic Star Earrings, and a pendant tonight. I used electric blue,...
  • It's Official
    It’s Official
    Fall arrived today. The rain, the gray clouds, and the glorious leaves against dark skies made me yearn for one thing… Split Pea...
  • Made It!
    Made It!
    There’s a little cat in my life with a very big meow! He can squawk unlike any kitty on the planet. I call...
  • A Simple Guide
    A Simple Guide
  • Twins!
    Preciosa Ornela, the manufacturers of beads in the Czech Republic, has just released a new seed bead called “twins.” They’re a two holed,...
  • Brought To You
    Brought To You
    by the letter… Quilling, as seen in the letter “C” to the left, is a paper art form. Paper strips are formed into...
  • Imagination Required
    Imagination Required
    …String Optional from TED.com “Janet Echelman found her true voice as an artist when her paints went missing — which forced her to...
  • Another Rearrange
    Another Rearrange
    This summer Cara Davis-Jacobson traveled to New York City on business. Cara is a customer, and a sweetheart. While she was in New...
  • It's Late
    It’s Late
    …and I’m tired, but a commitment is a commitment. One post, every day, for the entire month of November (yes, that would also...
  • I Love Monday
    I Love Monday
    … and while I’m at it… I love the time change, too! I love Monday because it’s my day off! In essence, it’s...
  • Sixteen Inches
    Sixteen Inches
    …went a long way to making me a very happy person today! For the past few months the walls of the shop have...
  • I Know This Cat
    I Know This Cat
  • Five Things To Do Before Autumn Ends
    Five Things To Do Before Autumn Ends
    Take a walk through crunchy leaves. Don’t forget to take your camera! Remember:: “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a...
  • Design Seeds
    Design Seeds
    Have you ever found yourself at a loss for a color palette? It happens to the best of us. There’s a great bead,...
  • Project Accessory... One Beaders Opinion
    Project Accessory… One Beaders Opinion
    Last week a new show premiered on the Lifetime Network that is right up my alley. It’s called Project Accessory, and is based...
  • A Post A Day
    A Post A Day
    November is a month dedicated to more than eating turkey, shopping, or football watching… it’s also a month set aside for writing! This...
  • A Slideshow of Customer Creations
    A Slideshow of Customer Creations
    Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer...
  • Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon
    Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon
    One of my favorite things to do, other than play with beads, is writing. My head can be a busy place. Writing helps...
  • Matilda vs Rick the Relentless
    Matilda vs Rick the Relentless
    While trying to record a version of “Waltzing Matilda” for his daughter my sweetie encountered the stunning vocal prowess of a cat completely...
  • Sunday/Funday
    What could be better? Take two beaders, add a lazy Sunday afternoon, a sunny work space, a shop full of beads, stir them...
  • Have You Met My Guy?
    Have You Met My Guy?
    Meet the Bright Center of the Universe, otherwise known as my cat. We’ve been together ever since he chose me thirteen years ago....
  • Dogwoods at Sunset
    Dogwoods at Sunset
    One of the great things about having my computer situated so I can see out the large picture window in my living room...
  • It's Trunk Show Time
    It’s Trunk Show Time
    You’d think, after all the beads, and all the years I’ve been surrounded by them my enthusiasm for a bead shopping opportunity would...
  • Video of Completed Expansion
    Video of Completed Expansion
    At long last our expansion is done! From start to finished front window, I’ve stitched together a series of videos and still shots....
  • A Little Help
    A Little Help
    On a recent twirl around the interwebz I came across a picture tutorial for a braided bracelet that I thought was wonderful! I...
  • Some of My Creations
    Some of My Creations
    Tuesday I had the good fortune of being able to share pictures of some of the amazing beadwork I’ve had the opportunity to...
  • Meet  Lynnette
    Meet Lynnette
    About a month before I opened the new shop I had a surprise visitor. It was a Saturday. My work crew, and I...
  • Dancing Beads' Has Incredibly Talented Customers
    Dancing Beads’ Has Incredibly Talented Customers
    One of the perks of my business is getting to see the amazingly beautiful things created by my customers! They inspire and surprise...
  • Meet Mandy Quinn
    Meet Mandy Quinn
    Mandy Quinn is the newest member of the Dancing Beads team, and she’s a girl on a budget. She doesn’t have a big...
  • Monday Meanderings
    Monday Meanderings
    True confession… it’s actually Sunday, but as there’s a post waiting in the wings to publish, and I’m in the mood to write....
  • Meet Elle
    Meet Elle
    A couple of weeks ago, I began sharing a series of interviews with the amazing beaders who are offering classes at Dancing Beads...
  • Dancing Beads Expands!
    Dancing Beads Expands!
    February 28th was definitely an exciting and busy day here at Dancing Beads… we tore down a wall, and expanded the shop! As...
  • Memories
  • Lampworking Class Video
    Lampworking Class Video
    Yesterday was a fun day at Dancing Beads. From 11:00am until a little after 5:00 there was a lampworking class. Throughout the day...
  • The 3/50 Project
    The 3/50 Project
    There’s a grass roots movement making its way across the country. It’s the brainchild of Cinda Baxter, a retail consultant and speaker. Based...
  • Funny Later
    Funny Later
    It’s been snowing off and on today. Sitting in the sunroom has been fun as there are windows on two sides of the...
  • Beader's Funny
    Beader’s Funny
    Sue and her three best beading friends were excited to attend a weekend workshop with a national instructor.  They couldn’t wait to get...
  • Meet Persis
    Meet Persis
    Months before I met her, I heard about Persis and her bead making endeavors from her mom. She told me her daughter, who...
  • Meet Jenny
    Meet Jenny
    Sometimes a new person will walk into your life, and the two of you immediately click. It’s as if you’ve just met an...
  • Meet Lynn
    Meet Lynn
    In January I had the pleasure of meeting Deb Mayne and Lynn Sawyer. Deb is a lampworker who had contacted me to see...
  • Meet Claire
    Meet Claire
    When it comes to good fortune, I believe it finds us all on a daily basis. I have the good fortune of being...
  • Don't Mind Me
    Don’t Mind Me
    … I’m checking something out. Today, while working on my email via Vertical Response, I discovered they have a new feature. I can...
  • Beading Circle
    Beading Circle
    On Thursday afternoons the table in the classroom is open to anyone who would like to come in. We work on projects, get...
  • Whirlwind!
    Last week was something else! Bizzy, busy. I was so bushed that last night I went to bed at 7:30. This morning I...
  • Color
    “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus* The changing of the season, especially the transition from summer...
  • A Very Pleasant Surprise
    A Very Pleasant Surprise
    …on a Sunday night! From Bead&Button My head is swimming with ideas for ways to advertise/promote the shop. What it isn’t filled with...
  • A How To Video
    A How To Video
    Have you ever wondered how a Byzantine Chain is made? I found this video in my wandering this afternoon....
  • OCBD
    … I has it! Obsessive Compulsive Beading Disorder. Today, in between customers, and well after the shop had closed, I was busily making...
  • Fireline
    Beaders who love to work with seed beads and crystals swear by a product sold by Berkley, a leader in the fishing industry...
  • Yesterday's Project
    Yesterday’s Project
    Yesterday, I mentioned I was working on a project, and that I’d be sharing the instructions. The pictures are taken, the instructions are...
  • Dancing
    Since ‘Dancing’ is an important part of our name, I thought I’d share one of my all time favorite dancing videos. Happy Friday!...
  • Finding Frogs
    Finding Frogs
    Working with beads has changed the way I look at the world around me. It seems that the little details are what catch...
  • Tonbo-dama
    More years ago than I care to admit, during my early teens, I lived in Japan. The years spent there greatly influenced my...
  • It's Tuesday and I Don't Have Much
    It’s Tuesday and I Don’t Have Much
    This morning my computer screen is as daunting as an empty sheet of paper. I want to write. I know once I begin,...
  • Bead Soup
    Bead Soup
    Likely, most of you know what ‘bead soup’ is, but for those who don’t here’s a quick explanation. Bead Soup is a mixture...
  • Funday
    …or day three of the NaBloPoMo challenge. Is there really any day of the week that’s nicer? No really, think about it. You’ve...
  • Boxes
    Despite my best efforts before opening, I’m still going through boxes, and boxes, and boxes, and… I’m sure you get the idea. There’s...
  • Manifesting
    Yesterday morning, I declared to whatever is out there listening, that I needed a quiet day because it was high time for me...
  • Ten-shoku
    For the past few days I’ve been wandering the interwebz gathering information about Japanese lampwork beads. In my roaming, I came across a...
  • A Video
    A Video
    Using my rather shaky footage, and some very imaginative still shots, my nephew Adam created this video as a way to introduce the...
  • Sometimes All You Have To Do
    Sometimes All You Have To Do
    …is just do it! Sounds like an advertisement, doesn’t it?  However, it’s true.  If you want something, all you have to do is...