Meet the Bright Center of the Universe, otherwise known as my cat. We’ve been together ever since he chose me thirteen years ago. He is a constant source of amusement, comfort, and entertainment. With a huge personality, and an easy going disposition few people have been able to resist his charms. He’s a handsome guy, sleek, and shiny, lean and lanky, he’s always dressed in his tux and tails. Between his eyes are three little white hairs, exactly where a bhindi would reside, so that’s what I call them…his bhindi. His eyebrows are black and when he closes his eyes, his face seems to disappear. Sprouting from his cheeks are the longest, wildest white whiskers I’ve ever seen on a cat. He has a huge voice and is extremely willing to verbalize his needs. He’ll stand at the door and bellow…”Let MeOoouwt” at the top of his lungs. Five minutes later he’s on the other side of the door shrieking…”Let Meyiiin.” In addition to being his doorman, I’m his chef, his maid, and his massage therapist.
At night, when we go to bed, is the best time of all. I’ll climb into bed, settle myself onto my left side and leave just enough room for Himself. It doesn’t take him long to realize where I am. He’ll jump up onto the bed and walk with purpose towards the headboard. When he is in front of me he stops and waits. I reach up, tugging him towards me and with feigned resignation he’ll lay down and snuggle with me. If I roll over, he follows and we go through the process again. He sleeps with me until I doze off and then leaves to be certain the polar bears that gather in our yard every night don’t make too much noise and wake me. He does a very good job. So far no polar bear has ever caused me to wake up while he’s on duty. In the morning, he patrols the yard and chases them away.
When he comes back in all he ever wants is a good chin scratching. I’m always happy to oblige, after all he is The Bright Center of My Universe.
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